Wednesday 19 November 2014

Week 5

Week 5: Power of Internet for Learning

This week in COM125, we discussed E-Learning and the power of the Internet for Learning. I actually was really interested in this topic because I think it’s a great way for anyone to learn. Although when I was growing up in primary school, the Internet was not a developed tool to aid in learning. However, in recent years technology has advanced to such an extent where learning on the Internet is so developed and useful. For me, E-learning really came into play when I was in high school. At my school it was mandatory for us to bring our own laptops to school. This was because a lot of the lessons taught involved some form of e-learning. It is so efficient to have everything on the Internet where we all access it. Moreover, I think E-Learning is so much more engaging and exciting than those traditional forms of learning. I believe that it is really important that when you are learning something you are interested and engaged in whatever it is. Therefore, you will learn more.

Now in University, e-learning, for me is at a whole new level. Even a module I had to take was purely carried out on the Internet. The lecture was videotaped and the activities were all online. I think in the future, with the rapid development of technology, schools and universities will be totally reformed.

One tool I want to discuss is the Microsoft Surface Technology. When Mr. Choy showed it us in class I was really interested to know more about it. The product that interested me the most was the Microsoft Surface Tabletop. I think it is such a good product and so advanced because it is designed for multiple users at one time. It’s almost bringing those sci-fi movies to life! Other than being useful for games and such, it is a great tool for learning. I believe in the future, this product will become more advanced and affordable that soon all tabletops will be like this. I actually think if schools start purchasing this Microsoft surface tabletop, it could really help children learn in school. Since it is designed for multiple users, it could be great when children work in groups or collaborate. Moreover, since this product is all touch screen it makes it very portable and less hassle than conventional computers. Overall, I think this product has a bright future not only in education but also in the corporate world as well.

Technology is making everyone’s like easier (perhaps too simple?) and we are looking for the easiest and more efficient way to do things. So, don’t you think we will apply this to education and learning too? I do. I think that soon, everything will be digitalized. For example, textbooks will be a thing of the past and all texts will be viewed on a Kindle/tablet. To some extent, I think it’s sad that people are disregarding traditional methods of learning but at the same time, technology is allowing us to achieve more and in a shorter amount of time. We are looking to cut our learning curve as much as we can and technology and the Internet are allowing us to do that.

I think in a few years eLearning will reach new heights that will boost our learning and perhaps even make us a more intelligent generation. Who knows, in a few years maybe our coffee and dining tables will be replaced by high advanced Microsoft Surface Tabletops.


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